Archive for the ‘Health Articles’ Category

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Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Jackson

Jackson MS Carpal Tunnel Relief

It is one of the most common occupational health problems affecting millions of people every year with numbers continuing to rise, largely thanks to our ever-increasing repetitive use of computers.  This health problem of repetitive strain is identified as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by pressure on ...


Ending Neck Pain in Jackson

Jackson Neck Pain and Flexibility

Today’s lifestyles and work habits have had detrimental effects of pain to millions of people around the world.  Neck pain affects 10-15% of people and is particularly common among middle-aged men and women.  In the age of research studies, Chiropractic and manual therapy has come out on top for a cost effective solution in treating ...


Fibromyalgia Solutions in Jackson

Relieving Fibromyalgia Jackson MS

Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome which is used to describe many symptoms. These symptoms include muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple sensitive tender points. Currently, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million people within the United States, 90% of these people are women. However, it is still unknown why the number of people that suffer from Fibromyalgia ...


Rotator Cuff Injuries in Jackson

Shoulder Pain Jackson MS Rotator Cuff Injury

Are you sitting on the sideline for some of your favorite activities due to a shoulder injury that is making many routine activities challenging and painful? Or have you played through telling yourself it will heal or you will address later? Be warned! It could be an injury to your rotator cuff! Your shoulder injury that ...


The Start of Great Health in Jackson

Back Pain Jackson MS Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Nothing can be more contagious than to receive a huge smile from a child. The hope of their bright future emanates in their laughter, and we can think of nothing more beautiful or valuable. As we love them all from the very start, we want to ensure they are well loved, well cared for, well ...


Understanding Sciatica In Jackson

Leg Pain Jackson MS Sciatica

If you have been experiencing pain in your legs and feet, and have tried different treatments to no avail, then this may be the solution for you. Understand The Sciatic Nerve In Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body. It starts at the lower part of your back, goes down ...


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