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Posture and Chiropractic In Jackson

Posture Jackson MS Back Pain

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” Have You Ever Noticed That Life Imitates Nature? As I sit in my office and think about the spring season, I look at a picture of a Bonsai tree. On it is a quote from Alexander Pope that says, "A little neglect may breed great mischief." I visualize ...


Jackson’s Whiplash Warning Light

Jackson MS Whiplash Treatment

The roar of an engine!  The roar of the crowd! The roar of wind racing by as you hold on and enjoy a day at an amusement park.  Life today is fast and we play hard.  Unfortunately today’s fast lifestyle can have a traumatic effect on your health. The injury suffered is most often described as ...


The Ergonomic Equation In Jackson

Jackson MS Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics Simply Defined Workplace ergonomics is the practice of designing or redesigning an area in which a person works to the specific needs and job requirements of that person. Simply defined that for an ergonomic workplace to be created, a proper assessment of the environment must first of all take place so that appropriate changes ...


The Back Pain Equation In Jackson

Health Equation Jackson MS Back Pain

One of the essential factors when leading a healthy lifestyle is a healthy spine. Many people overlook the benefits of a healthy spine and those who suffer from back pain are generally less healthy than those who do not. There are many problems associated with back pain, both financial and psychological, however these can be ...


Understanding Obesity in Jackson

Obesity Statistics Jackson MS

The fastest growing health problem in the modern world is obesity. Obesity contributes to increases in the risk of other diseases and is putting an extreme strain on health budgets throughout the world. The financial implications that are associated with obesity are huge. Here are just a few statistics: Approximately 17% of all medical costs in ...


Making A List Checking It Twice For Holiday Travel

Low Back Pain Jackson MS Driving Pain

Buckle up, our traveling season is upon us. Despite the saying "getting there is half the fun", planes, trains, and automobiles can put a real strain on our holiday fun this season.  So let's start this season off right, and follow these tips to survive the physically demanding prospect of traveling to your holiday destination ...


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